What is going on here?

Easy Rider film (formerly Easy Rider movie) is back! And I mean to keep it that way this time around.

A bit of history…

The original Easy Rider fan site was created in the mid-90’s as a personal web space page through my ISP. A lot of folks did that back then. It was built to fill what I saw at the time as a major void on the web. Namely, I saw almost no representation of my favorite movie.

A couple of years after launch I had so much traffic I decided to purchase easyridermovie dot com and (being but one underpaid person) direct that traffic to my free ISP space. The result? Within a few months I was getting shut down notices at the end of each month for exceeding my traffic limitations. Thousands of fans were experiencing the joy of Easy Rider in whole new ways. Thank you to all who were around for that. My interactions with all of you were much cherished.

A few years after that I could no longer dedicate time to the site and let easyridermovie dot com go away. I kept the cheap ISP site up but mostly just let it stand as a testament to what had been.

Through the years that I developed the original site, I was working in computer animation and design. While I mostly did print and film, building web content was new and exciting in my field. I dove in.

Ten years ago I abandoned that field for a new career path. As a millwright I don’t keep up with internet technology like I used to. While I still love new technology, I don’t need to keep up with it like I used to. Diving back into web development has made that very apparent to me.

Now for the present…

Right now easyriderfilm.com is very much a work in progress. For the rest of 2013 (at the very least) you can expect change around here as I discover how I want this all to go down.

To you, the fans of Easy Rider, I ask for your patience. Comments about what is working and what isn’t, both literally and design wise, are welcome. Go ahead and email me at easyriderfilm@gmail.com or comment in posts as they pop up.

Most importantly, I want a place for all of us who love Easy Rider to come and feel at home. Towards this end and as a top priority, I want to create a fan motorcycle gallery. Soon. I’ll try not to blow it.

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