Opening Spanish

Opening Spanish

For years I wondered what was being said in the opening scene. I’ve never learned Spanish so I’ve only been able to pick out “bueno” and “amigos”. Even my friends who are much more fluent in the language couldn’t tell me for certain what they said. One friend found a copy of the screenplay and gave it to me for my birthday. Now I pass on the answer to what has perplexed many for so long.

Spanish to English Translation of Easy Rider’s Opening Scene

The version I originally posted came close to accurate. Special thanks goes to Lucky from Iberia, Spain for corrections to the original translation. He rides the yellow Shovelhead on the right.



WYATT: Buenas dias. (Good morning.)

MEN: (Ad lib in Spanish.) Bueno Amigos. Han venido a visitar?(All right, friends. Did you come here to visit?)

MAN: Vamos amigos. (Come on, friends.)

MAN: Vamos a mirar. (Let’s go and look.)

MAN: Jesus, mira a nuestros amigos. (Jesus, look at our friends.)

JESUS: Dios bendiga. Como esta? Eh? Caray! Crei que no vendrias. (God bless. How are you? Eh? Gosh! I thought you were not coming.)

WYATT: De veras? (Really?)

JESUS: Si. Los caballos siempre dicen que van a venir. Puras alas. Pero nunca vienen. (Yes. The horses always said that they will come. A lot of hooey. But they never come.)

WYATT: Pues, aqui estamos. (Well, here we are.)

JESUS: Oye ya los plante. (You know, I left them flat.)

(Wyatt and Billy sample)

BILLY: (Chuckles.)

JESUS: No esta mal, Hermano. Pura VIDA, Hermano. (It’s not bad, Brother. Pure LIFE, Brother.)

WYATT: Si, pura vida. (Yes, it’s pure life.)

BILLY: Bueno. (All right.)

JESUS: Dame eso. Parece que esta todo. (Give me that. It seems like that’s everything.)

BILLY: Muchas gracias. (Thank you.)

JESUS: Bueno. (All right.) Ya sabe que siempre bienvenido. (You know you’re always welcome.)

WYATT: Muchas gracias. (Thank you.)

JESUS: Eh? (Eh?)

WYATT: Muchas gracias. (Thank you.)

JESUS: Bueno. (All right.)

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