Can’t Keep a Good Site Down

Back in the mid 1990’s I got on the internet for the first time and immediately searched for information on my favorite movie. Nothing.

In all fairness, things did exist, just not much. It also didn’t help that the search engines often times sucked at finding what you wanted. So I started putting together a fan site with all the trivia I could find.

After a few years of running it at my ISP’s free space, I decided to purchase All it did was direct to my site but it sure looked pretty on the bar.

It was fun! At least for quite a while it was. I made contacts around the globe with people who loved the film as much as I though not always in the same way. Several cast and crew members contacted me, mostly saying, “Nice site!”

But for some reason I can hardly remember now, I just let it go. I was moving on to other things. My focus belonged elsewhere.

Now you do a search for Easy Rider and there are millions of hits. Some of them even have to do with the film. But as far as informational sites, my old one still seems to have a lot of useful stuff.

So I am bringing it back under the new domain of! Let’s see what we can do here…

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